Launch of Tools4LDN Project (31 October 2019)

The Tools4LDN Project was officially launched during the Inception Workshop held on October 30th-31st, 2019 in Washington DC. The partners gathered to formulate the Work Plan for the deliverables for the project’s two year timeline. Partners from the government of Colombia attended remotely to learn about the plan for the project and the capacity building activities planned in the country to test the integration of the WOCAT SLM database into LandPKS mobile application and the integration of drought and socio-economic datasets into the Trends.Earth analytical tool.

Representatives from all project partners convened on 30-31 October 2019 to launch the start of the Tools4LDN Project.

Representatives from all project partners convened on 30-31 October 2019 to launch the start of the Tools4LDN Project.